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Show Me B-25

Show Me B-25

Another kind of bird I love to image and have not done it enough lately is Warbirds! Last July I attended an airshow sponsored by the Williamson County Airport and was able to get this image in a fly by over the tarmac. This B-25 is the Show Me and is out of the Missouri Wing of the Commemorative Air Force. Quoting their webpage “The Missouri Wing of the Commemorative Air Force is the home of a 1944 WWII B-25 Mitchell affectionately known as “Show Me”. This rare warbird is among only a handful of B-25’s to still grace the sky’s and one of the few in the Midwest. With a the fire power of a bomb payload of 3,000lbs and 13 .50 caliber machine guns “Show Me” is an aircraft worth a trip to St. Charles, Missouri. The Missouri Wing is proud to preserve and share this B-25 Mitchell… one of just under 10,000 built and one of the finest restorations to date.”

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PS If you look in the cockpit you can see the pilot and copilot!

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