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Living in the Reeds

web DSC_3170 For those seeing only one images, click on this to see the whole series. On the airboat on Lake Trafford we cam upon the camouflage artist hidden back in the reeds. Usually he is found in the dry rushes, so his brown and white colors blend perfectly with the background. Here even in the green, it seemed like it was just shadows as is bobbed and weaved with the wind. One of my friends have a wonderful watercolor that he did off photos he had taken of this amazing bird.
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Looking closer the striations of colors make it obvious how well this bird can hide. When really threatened they stand with their bill pointed to the sky to create a perfect blind. Often you will go right past them and never pick them out.

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The roar of the airplane engine on the airboat cause this one to take flight as he disappeared into the reeds.

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