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Bearing The Snow

Looking to the lake
Looking to the lake

This tree of southern lineage, the Magnolia, holds it burden of the snow and ice with great dignity. Looking out on the lake, the shiny leaves reflect the bright sunlight and give a green look to an otherwise white setting. Magnolia grandiflora are pretty much at the northern edge of their range here in Southern Illinois, but one of the great legacies of Ruth Ann’s Grandfather Durst was his wish to have some of every tree that occurred in Illinois on the property! Most of the trees here were planted by him as this had been a corn field before he put his hand to the land.

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Icicles hanging from Magnolia leaves and seed pod
Icicles hanging from Magnolia leaves and seed pod

The seed pods of the Magnolia are a great attraction to the birds as their bright red seeds are a tasty treat to the song birds. As you can see this pod has been picked clean already. The snow and icicles on this greenery brings forth images of Christmas to come and a promise the Spring will indeed come back to this land!

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