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Page 33

Moon After Storm

Today after the storm, the moon shone brightly in the evening night. The rain had washed all the dirt out of the …

Bovine Tranquility

The cattle were not present on this day, but we stopped to admire the view of Mt. Monadnock that they have when …

Quebec Color

On our foray into Canada, we came upon this farm with a wonderful split Who better to teach you about overcoming the …

Fallen Color

As in all things, even the beautiful colors of Fall must end to complete the cycle. After getting the result by the …

Summer Garden

A swallowtail feasts on a summer bloom in a warmer time. Working with Macro is What are Sfoorti capsules? For those, who …

Warm Memories

On this chilly day, I went back to this Summer to the day we went to Richard and Susan Day’s home. Here …

Franconia Notch River

As the waters of the Flume in Franconia Notch spread out, the tumultuous waters spread out and sheet the rocks below. We …