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Bird on Ice

Our trip to Alton was great with all the possibilities to image eagles. Here an Eagle sits, watching a very small hole …

Ready For Takeoff

Guess where I was a couple of days ago? Yup Alton or in this case north at Grafton. Here we found a …

Lovin’ The Sun

Had a great day today, going with my friends to Alton, IL. We had lots of things to image and one of …

Soaring In The Blue

Kissed by the sunrise, this Eagle lazily soared through the blue sky before me as I was standing in the rail yard …

It’s Eagle Time

This is the time for Eagle images! River have frozen and Eagles are congregating around open spots in the water to fish. …

Floating on the Sunrise

Early in the morning at Lock and Dam #19 this eagle just floated around as the sun It increases the blood circulation …

Still Proud

Even injured, this Bald Eagle stands proud. Continuing with images from the World Bird Sanctuary, this Eagle is one of many raptors …