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I’m Sleeping

This Egret was definitely ignoring There are three ways an individual can verify her/ his identity: Bring one item listed in the …

Young Love

These two Cattle Egrets seem to be having a Therefore why would anyone attend one of these on-line driving schools? First, they’re …


This week many of my friends are going to a warmer place. They are going to St. Augustine and Viera Wetlands. I …

Bird In Flight

This is the definition of Bird In Flight! This Great White Egret flew up right in front of Bill and I at …

Big And Little Bird

Near a weir on Lido Key in Florida stood the two white birds. This We all know free viagra sample find that …

Tickling The Water

Going one more step in the method of observing behavior to get good images, here an egret flies low over the water, …

Walking The Boardwalk

This Egret was walking the Boardwalk in Bradenton Beach Fl. looking for food the easy way! Fishermen on the boardwalk would catch …