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glacier national park

Wet Moose

Wet Moose

While in Many Glacier we were taken to Fishercap Lake where there is a great chance to see moose. The lake is …

Golden Staircase GNP

Golden Staircase GNP

One day on the way back from Many Glacier we stopped at the Golden Staircase. Here we had a view of St. …

Many Glacier Hotel

Many Glacier

Grinnell Point rises over Swiftcurrent Lake on a stormy morning in Glacier National Park. On this morning we had set out at …

Hidden Lake Overlook

Hidden Lake Overlook GNP

Starting out at the visitor center we hiked up Logan Pass on a cold, bright morning. The wind was just enough to …

Mt Oberlin

Going To The Sun

This is a view of Mt Oberlin in Glacier Park. It was taken from a pull off on the “Going to the …

Trail of the Cedars

Avalanche Gorge

Seeing we are going to see Tom Ulrich’s Talk tonight, it brought up thoughts of when we were out in his part …

Many Glacier Lodge

Many Glacier Lodge

Whilst in Many Glacier we saw the Swiss Chalet stylings of the Many Glacier Hotel. This day the weather had This india …

avalanche gorge

Waters Above Avalanche Gorge

Colors like this just can’t be made up! The waters leading to Avalanche Gorge cascade over the rocks. Brilliant green trees, wet …

Big Trees

As I walked down the boardwalk at the Trail of Cedars in Glacier Park I heard over and over from the children …