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Steam Engine

Massive Metallic Machines

Here the massive traction engine of the Port Huron engine and threshers co. rolls across the grounds of the Thresherman’s in Pinckneyville. …

Icy road

Reminders of Icy Days

I know today it’s supposed to get up to 72° and tomorrow 73°, but it is February and just a little over …

Eye See You!

This Bumble Bee is looking all over this Coneflower for all the best nectar. Pollinators like this bring beauty and food to …

Come On Spring!

With the return of days in the 60’s spring cannot be far, I hope! This image of a time that was warmer, …

Cardinal on corn stalk

Usual Suspects

As long as you are dealing with a reputable online pharmacy that will give the very best price as well as the …

Too Cute!!!!

Have I mentioned how much I love this part of my work!! Here is an image of a One In the research, …

Sun On The Flower

A little of my Wife’s work in the garden giving off a bright spot in the middle of it. Sometimes breaking the …

Imperfect Beauty

In this time we sometimes become to tied up in perfect beauty. Here Even http://www.slovak-republic.org/author/admin/ viagra uk though the car may have …