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IL, Page 2

Summer is Buzzing

The gardens in Southern Illinois are buzzing as the rain brings on blooms of all kinds. Rain and sun seem to be …

southern illinois photographer

Grandmother’s Beauties

Our Home abounds with the flowers once planted by Ruth Ann’s Grandmother and It’s called Organic Acai but make order cialis raindogscine.com …

Peonies Bursting

The Peonies are bursting with their beautiful balls of color. For one short week they fill yards with dazzle, their complicated blossoms …

southern Illinois photographer

One Horsepower

Going down the back roads of Galatia it is not an uncommon sight to come across and Unfortunately, a large number of …

wedding photographer

I’m Back

Well I’m Back! Ruth Ann and I are now the proud parents of a doctor!! Amanda graduated from SIU Med School Springfield …

Heron Pond

Heron Pond is a beautiful place in the Cache River Nature Area. It is a many things in a small place. There …

Southern Illinois Photographer

The Bees And The Flowers

Had a request from a friend who subscribes to this blog if I would put more information on how I shoot my …

Nature photography

Butterflies In The Garden

Out in my newly planted Butterfly Garden today I saw the first butterfly checking out the roses. With that good response i …