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Shawnee Dreams photography

This Year’s Thresherman

Rust was the common theme again at this year’s Thresherman! Coal smoke, irregular engine sounds and lots of oohs and aahs filled …

Not So Shy Bittern

We usually have problems even seeing this bird, but on this occasion he was not worried about us at all. “This streaky, …

Fifi B29 Superfortress

Last weekend Fifi, a B29 Superfortress flew into Veterans Airport to show off the CAF’s achievements and those of veterans across the …

Morning Light

Morning Light In NH

Connecticut River in the early morning fog. Water splashes over the rocks that have been there since the last Ice Age. Air …

Landscape Arch

Landscape Arch

Walking through the sand, coming up to this impressive arch is amazing. Over the far reaching arch with such a slender top, …

Antelope Canyon

Antelope Canyon

The beauty of Upper Antelope Canyon really cannot be shared with words and my images probably don’t do them justice either. This …

Majestic Bison

Majestic Bison

This majestic bison was resting on the side of the road as we were driving from Yellowstone Lake to Canyon Village. No, …

Pronghorn Antelope

Pronghorn in Yellowstone

This Pronghorn sat nicely for Tom and Linda, along with Ruth Ann and I for a long time in Yellowstone National Park. …

Mormon Row Barn

Mormon Row

Mormon Row is a line of homestead complexes along the Jackson-Moran Road near the southeast corner of Grand Teton National Park, in …