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Shawnee Dreams, Page 3

Water Skiing!

When we visited Alton yesterday we saw Pelicans at the lock and dam playing in the current and flying from place to …

Happy Valentine’s Day

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day! What love is greater than the love of It generic viagra removes stiffness and also increases the …

Winter Receding

We all know this cold must stop. Well in a reminder, here is an image from our spillway of last years melt. …

More Natural Feeders

Here is another way I take natural looking images. When cutting firewood I came across a log that was rotten in the …

Christmas Tree Redux

Well it was cold and snowy on Super Bowl Sunday so guess what I did? Sat in front of the fire and …

Heron Pond

Heron Pond is a place I like to visit often, The primitiveness of the area offers a wonderful place to fill the …

Paddling Around

I caught this male Wood Duck just paddling around on a pond here in the area. He wasn’t looking for food or …

Walking On Water

Trumpeter Swans take a while to take off and “walk” on water for a while to become airborne. This was taken at …

Still Kickin’

This truck was one of three old trucks I found in Jaffrey NH at Coll’s Farms Grocery and Maple Syrup. This Model …