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Shawnee Dreams, Page 4

Double Waterfalls

As if Kauai isn’t beautiful enough the also have double waterfalls! A way down the HyperuricemiaThis sort of gout points out to …

Waimea Canyon Overlook

OK it’s been cold long enough! Received a report this morning that my wife and daughter were cold in Oahu because it …

Sweet Flutterbys

Engagements are flying since Christmas and more are on their way when Valentines day rolls around so get your Memories preserved by …

Red Bellied Woodpecker

During the last snow this gal came visiting the complex and stuck around for a great set of images. Don’t make the …

Show Me B-25

Another kind of bird I love to image and have not done it enough lately is Warbirds! Last July I attended an …

Baby Bird

We are very lucky, every year we have a Vulture nest in one of our barns. Seeing the parent fly in and …

Eastern Towhee

This bird was on the ground outside my observation window which is a fancy name for my front picture window. The Eastern …

Owl In The Rafters

This Screech Owl was resting in the rafters of our barn and was nice enough to pose foe quite a few pictures …

Red Wing Blackbird At CONWR

This Red Wing Blackbird was just sunning on the bank of Crab Orchard Lake at One viagra pills online has to take …