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Christmas Angel

One of my favorite local birds, the Tufted Titmouse! Seen here perching on top of the Christmas Tree my Wife put out …

Winter Receding

We all know this cold must stop. Well in a reminder, here is an image from our spillway of last years melt. …


Well it’s really cold out and this Cardinal has fluffed up his feathers to combat the wind! Another shot of Ruth Ann’s …

Open Water

As the “Bone-chilling ‘polar vortex’ ” came to town last night, geese swam on our lake to keep the ice from covering …

White Throated Sparrow

Same branch as yesterday, same method of shooting. You will find certain spots are preferred by birds to perch and these spots …

Bearing The Snow

This tree of southern lineage, the Magnolia, holds it burden of the snow and ice with great dignity. Looking out on the …