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Trail of the Cedars

Avalanche Gorge

Seeing we are going to see Tom Ulrich’s Talk tonight, it brought up thoughts of when we were out in his part …

Lower Falls Yellowstone

One of the images, second after Old Faithful, that are the epitome of Yellowstone is the Lower Falls. Although the Lower Falls …

Avalanche Gorge, Glacier Park

Avalanche Gorge

While in Glacier National Park we went to Avalanche Gorge and found a beautiful sight. You can probably follow a All you …

Southern Illinois Photographer

Little Grand Canyon

In the Shawnee Forest a geological wonder exists that has taken thousands of years to form. Erosion has carved this wonder called …

Double Waterfalls

As if Kauai isn’t beautiful enough the also have double waterfalls! A way down the HyperuricemiaThis sort of gout points out to …

Waimea Canyon Overlook

OK it’s been cold long enough! Received a report this morning that my wife and daughter were cold in Oahu because it …


Just got through dropping my Wife and Daughter at the airport so they could go to Hawaii! When they got to their …

Akaka Falls, Hilo, Hawaii

Enough of this cold, I’m heading back to Hawaii! At least with picture, although my wife and daughter are going there for …