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Wild Bird Sanctuary

Florida Scrub Jays

Florida Scrub Jays are happy, community orientated and friendly birds. Quick to check you out and easy to spot, these birds a …

Sandy Beaches

As we all know it has been a little cold around here lately but I don’t want to rub it in — …

Florida Scrub Jay

Bird On A Stick

This has become one of my favorite birds now, the Florida Scrub Jay. Only found in central Florida in a Discussing the …

American Bittern

Elusive American Bittern

This is one of those shots that I didn’t take and I wish I had. Ruth Ann took this image after the …

Birds On The Beach At Sunset

These warm temps have me thinking of walking down the white beaches of Sarasota, enjoying the This step must not be avoided …

Sandwich Tern

Sandwich Tern

Walking along the beach in Sarasota there were many birds that came to visit us. This one is The Sandwich tern, a …


Back in Florida on the Black Pointe Drive of Merritt Island these two Killdeer were scouring the marsh for their next meal. …

Sandhill Crane

Sandhill Cranes and Bob

While staying in the Merritt Island area we stayed at an Air B&B with some wonderful people. On the lawns when we …

Northern Mockingbird

Northern Mockingbird

Another of the birds we came across in the Scrub Jays sanctuary was the Northern Mockingbird. This bird flitted around in the …