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Wild Bird Sanctuary, Page 3

Another New Species For Me

The American Avocet is another shorebird that I had not imaged before. At Merritt island these birds searched the marshlanf for food. …

American Avocet
Marbled Godwit

Marbled Godwit

One of the first birds Ruth Ann and I came across at Merritt Island in Florida was the Marbled Godwit. I had …

Florida Scrub Jay

New Friend

The Florida Scrub Jay was a new species for me on this trip and became a new friend. After hearing from Dave …

Great Blue Heron Landing

Feathering The Nest

Getting the nest ready for his sweetheart, this Great Blue Heron isn’t so much “Feathering the nest” as bringing twigs to support …

Sand hill crane in flight

In Flight

I’m Back! After a short hiatus, I shall begin again my daily posts! Here as the last light on our last day …

Still Proud

Even injured, this Bald Eagle stands proud. Continuing with images from the World Bird Sanctuary, this Eagle is one of many raptors …

Roaming Bison In Missouri

As I said yesterday, right out the gate from the Wild Bird Sanctuary is the Lone Elk Park gate. Here Elk and …


This Great Horned Owl is resting on his perch at the World Bird Sanctuary in Valley Park, MO.. On top of a …